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Share Consistent Exercise Tips, Andrea Dian: The Most Important Thing is to Enjoy the Exercise

Share Consistent Exercise Tips, Andrea Dian: The Most Important Thing is to Enjoy the Exercise Andrea Dian (credit: instagram) - Not unfamiliar with Andrea Dian, this beautiful artist really likes sports until her body looks sexy and athletic. Ganindra Bimo's partner recently uploaded a photo of her lifting weights.

In the post, Andrea Dian, who lifts weights, also shows off her six-pack abs wearing a sports bra and pink pants. Her expression looks so serious while doing her workout activities.

1. Andrea Dian Tips

In addition, in her upload, Andrea Dian also shared tips on consistent exercise. This couple, Bimo, revealed that the most important thing is to first enjoy the exercise.

"How do you stay consistent with exercise?
1. Set achievable goals
2. Find enjoyable exercises that can make you happy while doing them.
3. Focus on yourself (don't compare ourselves to others.. because everyone has their own journey)
4. Keep a record of our journey (photos/weight, waist circumference, etc.. exercises that we have done, exercise schedule)
5. Reward yourself..
The most important thing for me is that we have to enjoy the exercise first.. if we're happy, there will always be a desire to do it again and again", wrote the caption in her post.

2. Health Protocol

Andrea Dian often engages in sports activities and always follows the government's health protocol after testing positive for Covid some time ago.

And of course, Andrea Dian also continues to #IngatPesanIbu (remember mother's message) with 3M, always washing hands with soap, wearing a mask, and maintaining distance from crowds.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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