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Shown in a Pornographic Video, Kekeyi Reminds Nikita Mirzani of Sin

Shown in a Pornographic Video, Kekeyi Reminds Nikita Mirzani of Sin Kekeyi © - Nikita Mirzani © KapanLagi - Kekeyi recently became a guest star in the latest video of Nikita Mirzani (16/9). At that time, they discussed the love journey experienced by former Rio Ramadhan.

Then Nikita asked if Kekeyi had ever imagined something dirty. Kekeyi admitted that she had thought about defecation.

Hearing that, Nikita teased the singer of Keke Bukan Boneka. The mother of three said that Kekeyi is already an adult and has had many exes.

1. Never Watched Pornographic Videos

Nikita asked if Kekeyi had ever watched a pornographic video. Innocently, she admitted not understanding the meaning of the word 'porno'.

"What kind of movie is that? Sad and confused?" Kekeyi asked.

"Dirty movie," Niki answered.

2. Reminding of Sin

After watching the video, Kekeyi seemed uncomfortable. She said that the activities in the video were sinful.

"Why did you open it like that? It's not allowed," Kekeyi said.

"Yes, it's not allowed for us Muslims. Muslims are not allowed to open up, if for example, exposing the aurat, it's called sin," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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