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Steady Relationship, This is the Story of the Initial Meeting between Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel

Steady Relationship, This is the Story of the Initial Meeting between Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel The Beginning Story of Azriel Hermansyah's Meeting with Sarah Menzel (Credit: Instagram/ssarah_menzel) - Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel have been open about their romantic relationship since 2020. However, many may not know the story of their first meeting.

Through Instagram, Anang Hermansyah opens the story of Azriel Hermansyah's first meeting with Sarah Menzel. Apparently, they met when Anang and Ashanty's family stayed in Ubud. Unexpectedly, feelings of love grew between them.

So, what is the story of Azriel Hermansyah's first meeting with Sarah Menzel, which has lasted until now? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel

The love story of young couple Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel has often caught public attention. This is understandable because Azriel Hermansyah is the child of singer Anang Hermansyah. Recently, his father shared the story of his son's initial meeting with his girlfriend through a post on Instagram.

2. The Story of the Initial Meeting

Lately, Anang Hermansyah has been actively uploading the activities of Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel as they prepare for their business in Bali. The singer of the song "Jangan Memilih Aku" also shared his interactions with Luh Gede Herryani, who is Sarah Menzel's mother.

From the video, it is known that the story of Azriel Hermansyah's initial meeting with Sarah Menzel began when his family stayed at a hotel in Ubud.

3. Their Long-lasting Relationship

While staying at Menzel Ubud, Azriel Hermansyah got to know Sarah Menzel. Unexpectedly, love blossomed between them. Their relationship has been going strong until now.

"Many people don't know, this is how Azriel and Sarah's story began," wrote Anang Hermansyah as the caption.

4. No Drama

The romantic relationship between Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel became known to the public around 2022. Throughout their almost two years of dating, there have been no negative news about them. They are praised for having a drama-free relationship.

5. Sarah Menzel Praised

Sarah Menzel may not come from the celebrity circle, but she is now gaining more public attention. Apart from her down-to-earth relationship with Azriel Hermansyah, the German-Balinese mixed girl is praised for her simplicity. However, she comes from a wealthy family. Sarah Menzel herself is independent and owns several businesses, KLovers!

6. Close to Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah

The relationship between Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel seems to have been approved by both families. In fact, Sarah Menzel is already close to Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah's family. Often, she attends important events of her lover's family and wears the uniform as well.

7. Prayed to be Matched

Because it has been proven to be enduring and far from malicious gossip until now, Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel are prayed to be destined for each other. However, there is no news yet about their wedding plans. They are still considered young, with Azriel Hermansyah being 23 years old and Sarah Menzel being 21 years old.

So, KLovers, that is the story of the initial meeting between Azriel Hermansyah and Sarah Menzel, whose relationship has been going strong until now.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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