Announcing the Birth of Their First Child, Syamsir Alam Cannot Hide His Happiness
Syamsir Alam's happy face cannot be contained when announcing the birth of his first child - Happiness is currently enveloping the couple Syamsir Alam and Bunga Jelitha. Because, they have just welcomed the birth of their first child, Akleema Regalo Zulaikha, on Wednesday (6/1/2021) at 14:20 WIB, at RSIA Tambak, Central Jakarta.
However, Syamsir Alam himself actually admitted that he does not believe that he is now a husband and a father. Because before getting married, he admitted that he was a careless person.
"I didn't expect to become a parent, because I used to be an indifferent person, so I didn't even expect to become a husband. But alhamdulillah I got that opportunity. It feels extraordinary because I have more responsibilities," said Syamsir Alam in a press conference at RSIA Tambak, Central Jakarta, Thursday (7/1/2021).Â
© Herdianto
When you have a baby, it certainly makes Syamsir Alam more motivated to seek fortune. Because according to him, he can no longer think about himself.
"Definitely ready, because now I can't think about my own life," he said.
In addition, this 28-year-old man also does not believe that he will become a hot daddy. However, he himself said that he still doesn't deserve that title.Â
"No way. But if you say yes alhamdulillah. Of course, I'm happy, there are also many hot daddies in Indonesia. Like Darius, Ibnu Jamil, oh but they shouldn't be single, oh no longer, well, I'm just happy," he concluded.
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