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Still Living Alone, Luna Maya Chooses to Set Aside Her Money for Traveling

Still Living Alone, Luna Maya Chooses to Set Aside Her Money for Traveling Luna Maya © Prayoga - Luna Maya has been seen traveling to various countries lately. The film star of SUZZANNA: BERNAPAS DALAM KUBUR admits that some of her trips are sponsored. She is happy and grateful to have a job that aligns with her hobby.

"I travel quite often. So I get to go on trips and, alhamdulillah, enjoy them. Besides getting sponsorships, I also get endorsements from various places like hotels and airlines, so my trips are even more enjoyable. It's free, we review, create content, and make money as well. So, alhamdulillah, I am blessed with a livelihood that aligns with my hobby," Luna Maya said when met in the Gunawarman area, South Jakarta, on Thursday (5/3).

1. Still Living Alone Satisfying Traveling

Traveling is recognized by Luna Maya as a necessity. Because she is still living alone, she chooses to set aside her money for traveling.

"Because I'm still alone, my needs are not too much. So, for example, if I have extra money to use for other things, my pleasure is traveling," said Luna Maya.

So, I use that extra money for traveling, it's already like a necessity. For example, in Jakarta, it's a bit overwhelming with everything, ah maybe (a vacation) for a week or 10 days, the destination is a bit further," continued the former girlfriend of Reino Barack.

2. Having a Special Budget

For solo traveling, Luna Maya also has a special budget that she sets aside every month. In addition, she also uses a credit card that has benefits for traveling.

"Because I love traveling. So, I choose a credit card that has points. Sometimes people wonder why Luna keeps traveling, well, I have quite a lot of points so I can use them. Usually, I know every month how much I have to spend, how much income, after deducting these credit card installments. Then there is a surplus, oh this surplus I can use for a vacation, usually it's always like that," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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