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Suffering Because of Kartika Putri, Richard Lee Will Not Forgive - Hopes to Receive Punishment from God

Suffering Because of Kartika Putri, Richard Lee Will Not Forgive - Hopes to Receive Punishment from God - Richard Lee has indeed been cleared of the status of suspect in the defamation and illegal access case based on the pre-trial decision of the South Jakarta District Court. However, over a year has passed, apparently he still harbors resentment towards Kartika Putri for causing him to be imprisoned.

"Deep inside me, there is pain, bitterness, extraordinary problems. You don't know how for two years I was tortured relentlessly. I was forcibly taken from Palembang to Jakarta, kidnapped, put in the deepest cell. Try being me," said Richard when met by the media in the Lebak Bulus area, South Jakarta, recently.

1. Will Not Forgive Kartika Putri

After being cleared of being a suspect, Richard Lee did not receive an apology from Kartika Putri as the party who made the report. Therefore, he also does not want to apologize first.

"After I won the pretrial, I won the legal case, I never received an apology. So if someone says 'Doc, just forgive', but they never apologize, how can I forgive? And it's normal that in my heart there is pain, aching feeling. I will not forgive someone who has treated me like this," said the beauty doctor.

2. Believing in God's Law

Although winning in the pretrial hearing, Richard Lee will not report Kartika Putri to the police. He prefers that the person involved receive punishment from God, who knows best.

"Even though I had the opportunity to seek legal revenge at that time, report back because I won the pretrial, but I didn't do it. Why? Because I believe in God's law. I believe there is a higher law than Indonesia's, which is God's law," said the bespectacled man.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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