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Sweet Couple! Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie Wear Matching Outfits to Attend Adinda Bakrie's Wedding

Sweet Couple! Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie Wear Matching Outfits to Attend Adinda Bakrie's Wedding Ardi Bakrie - Nia Ramadhani. Credit: via taken on 16/3/2020 at 18.03 - The affection between Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie is rarely highlighted. Usually, netizens are more focused on Nia's fashion style or unique facts about herself.

Well, after quite a while, Nia Ramadhani finally uploaded a photo of herself with Ardi Bakrie on her personal Instagram account. At that time, the couple appeared to attend the wedding of Adinda Bakrie, who is Ardi's cousin.

In that moment, Nia and Ardi showcased their sweet charm. How could they not, both of them attended the wedding wearing matching outfits. Curious about how they looked?

1. Nia Ramadhani's Post

On Sunday (15/3) yesterday, Nia Ramadhani uploaded a photo of herself with her husband attending Adinda Bakrie's wedding. The husband and wife couple looked so sweet posing in front of the camera.

Nia didn't forget to congratulate Adinda through the caption. "Happy wedding Adinda Bakrie and Vinny Di Lucia," she wrote.

2. Matching Style

Attending the wedding, Nia and Ardi decided to dress in matching outfits. Ardi was seen wearing a gray batik shirt and black pants.

Beside him, his wife Nia Ramadhani looked so elegant wearing a gray modern kebaya adorned with a matching scarf. She looks so gorgeous!

By dressing in matching style, they prove that they are a sweet couple!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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