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Syahrini Uploads Photos of Branded Baby Items, Feels Her Life Has Changed and Can't Wait

Syahrini Uploads Photos of Branded Baby Items, Feels Her Life Has Changed and Can't Wait Syahrini (credit: - Syahrini will soon become a mother. It's just a matter of days before the wife of Reino Barack welcomes their first child, which has been eagerly anticipated by many.

After announcing her pregnancy, Syahrini diligently uploads photos showing her baby bump. She also shares her activities during pregnancy, whether alone or with her husband.

On Wednesday night (26/6/2024), Syahrini shared two photos that made many people happy and even more impatient for the baby's arrival. The woman who is usually called Incess posted photos of baby items on Insta Story!

1. Cute and Expensive Baby Items

The first photo shows a shelf and wardrobe. Clothes and other equipment are neatly arranged. There are also tiny shoes. In the photo, there is a mini cardigan which is a baby clothing from the brand Louis Vuitton.

"My world has changed," Syahrini wrote in the photo.

2. Impatient

In the next photo, there is a baby blanket that can be used as a carrier for the baby in the future. There are tiny socks on the shelf door. The blanket itself is from the LV brand.

"Oh Allah, I can't wait," she wrote.

Who else can't wait to see Princess's baby? Hopefully, Syahrini stays healthy and has a smooth delivery later!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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