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Taqy Malik Accidentally Mentioned Rizky Billar and Lesti Will Soon Get Married

Taqy Malik Accidentally Mentioned Rizky Billar and Lesti Will Soon Get Married Taqy Malik - Lesti - Rizky Billar @ - Not long ago, Rizky Billar and Lesti shared a picture of their intimacy on Instagram. The photo was also accompanied by a romantic caption, and of course, netizens concluded that they were taking photos for pre-wedding purposes.

Meanwhile, the celebrity and ustaz, Taqy Malik, when met in the Tomang area, West Jakarta, Monday (21/12) said that indeed Rizky Billar and Lesti will get married. He fully supports this and prays for the wedding plans to be expedited.

"I am certainly happy to see Rizky Billar and Lesti, they will get married soon, right? Hopefully, as soon as possible," said Taqy Malik.

1. Taqy's Hope for Billar and Lesti

As a friend, the ex-husband of Salmafina Sunan wishes for their matters to be made easier. According to him, once they are legally married, it will feel more enjoyable, comfortable, and doors of fortune will be opened wider.

"I hope the best for them, God willing, if it's meant to be, their matters will be facilitated and they will be brought closer," he said.

"I pray for them to make it halal soon because once it's halal, it will be more enjoyable, more comfortable, and the doors of fortune will be opened wider," he added.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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