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Tasyi Athasyia's Story When a Plate and Skincare Worth Millions Were Broken by the Maid, No Compensation Requested, Just Want Honesty

Tasyi Athasyia's Story When a Plate and Skincare Worth Millions Were Broken by the Maid, No Compensation Requested, Just Want Honesty

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Tasyi Athasyia's Story When a Plate and Skincare Worth Millions Were Broken by the Maid, No Compensation Requested, Just Want Honesty

Tasyi Athasyia just experienced a disaster. The YouTuber who is also the twin sister of Tasya Farasya vented about the glass cabinet filled with expensive skincare products that was broken by her new maid. Tasyi didn't ask for any compensation. She just didn't like it when the maid was not honest with her and even wanted to run away. Here's the story!


Tasyi showed the fate of the glass cabinet filled with expensive skincare products in her studio that fell and shattered. Whose heart wouldn't ache seeing it.


In addition to admitting that she wanted to cry, Tasyi also admitted that her hands were trembling. But she still felt grateful that the glass cabinet did not fall on anyone.


After that, Tasyi then complained that she had a new housemaid who had only been working for a month. She asked about the broken glass cabinet, whether the housemaid had just wiped it. According to Tasyi, the glass cabinet should be handled with care when wiped because it is fragile.


Because the housemaid said no and claimed that she had only swept, Tasyi didn't ask further. It turns out that Tasyi's babysitter saw that the housemaid had actually wiped the glass cabinet.


This is what makes Tasyi annoyed, her housemaid is not honest. She then said that the previous housemaid had broken several expensive plates in her house, but she was only reminded to be more careful and was not asked for compensation by Tasyi.


Tasyi was even more disappointed when she found out that the domestic helper intended to run away from her house after the incident of breaking the plates. Tasyi said that the plates, glass cabinet, and her skincare products were worth 80 million rupiah, but she did not ask for compensation, only honesty.


Tasyi just couldn't understand why her domestic helper acted like someone who doesn't understand religion and manners. Even though she just wanted honesty.


The domestic helper was questioned by Tasyi's colleague. However, she was not honest at all, which eventually led Tasyi to reveal her name and origin, so that no one would suffer the same fate as her.


When asked nicely, whether he broke the plate, this domestic helper still refused to admit it. Even though Tasyi didn't scold him at all.


Tasyi got even more upset when she found out that this domestic helper had planned to run away from the beginning and hide his bag in the trash.


Tasyi just made an update that she has sent the domestic helper back. Keep up the spirit, Tasyi!


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