Kapanlagi.com - Mark Sungkar kembali jalani sidang dugaan kasus korupsi dana triatlon di Pengadilan Tipikor, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (18/5). Sidang kali ini beragendakan keterangan dari para saksi.
Dalam sidang tersebut, Mark Sungkar yang mengenakan jaket putih timnas Indonesia nampak tenang. Bahkan beberapa kali, ayah kandung Shireen Sungkar ini mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan kepada saksi.
1. Can Only Surrender
After the trial, Mark Sungkar has not dared to confirm whether the statements of the witnesses in today's trial could alleviate his burden. He can only surrender to the outcome of the trial.
"Whether it lightens or aggravates, it is up to Allah SWT, not humans. That's why I say hasbunallah wanikmal wakil," said Mark Sungkar.
2. Talking About His Condition

Š KapanLagi.com/Bayu Herdianto
In addition, he also discussed his current condition. Because, Mark had been infected with the corona virus or Covid-19 while in prison.
"I still need to rest, three months in detention is quite concerning physically. As for mental health, Alhamdulillah, there is no problem, very good," he said.
3. Detained for Corruption
Mark Sungkar, who is the Chairman of the Central Management of the Indonesian Triathlon Federation (PPFTI), was detained for corruption. This senior actor is accused of corruption related to triathlon sports funds, causing a state loss of Rp 649.9 million.
In the indictment, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) alleged that the actor had created fictitious reports related to the expenses of the Asian Games 2018 platinum fund.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.