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The Excitement of the Cheerful Minister Artist Gang Gathering Together to Celebrate Edric Tjandra's Birthday

The Excitement of the Cheerful Minister Artist Gang Gathering Together to Celebrate Edric Tjandra's Birthday The Excitement of the Cheerful Minister Artist Gang Gathering Together. (instagram/mrsayudewi) - A special moment once again brought together artists in a celebration full of warmth. Edric Tjandra celebrated his 40th birthday with a party attended by his close friends. One of the highlights was the presence of the Cheerful Minister gang, known as a close-knit group of artist friends.

In several photos uploaded by Ayu Dewi on Instagram, their strong bond is evident. Not just a simple gathering, this birthday party was also filled with exciting moments, from group photo sessions to Edric Tjandra bravely holding a large snake in one of the pictures.

Through the caption written by Ayu Dewi, it is clear how long their friendship has been established. So, what was the excitement of this birthday party like? Stay tuned for more details.

1. The Cheerful Minister Gang Reunites

In several snapshots, the Cheerful Minister Gang, which has remained solid for a long time, can be seen. Ayu Dewi, Edric Tjandra, and several other friends appear to be enjoying this special moment.

2. Edric Tjandra Brave Enough to Hold a Large Snake

One of the photos that caught attention is Edric Tjandra casually holding a large snake. With his funny expression, he seems to be trying to stay calm as the snake coils around his body. This moment garnered various comments from netizens who were both impressed and amused by his bravery.

3. Luxurious Decoration with Silver Balloons

The birthday party decoration looks elegant with a silver theme. There is a large backdrop with a greeting, complete with a photo of Edric Tjandra attached as decoration. The backdrop grabs attention because it is designed to resemble a banner from a street vendor selling fried catfish.

4. Group Photo and Happy Laughter

Several photos show Ayu Dewi and her friends posing with cheerful expressions. Their closeness remains intact even after many years have passed.

5. Prayers and Hopes for Edric Tjandra

Many friends and fans have offered prayers and hopes for Edric on his 40th birthday. Ayu Dewi's caption is also full of hopes for Edric.

"Happy 40th Papa Abbie, may you glow with happiness, success, health, and maximum profits, and be loved by Venny & Abbie." She wrote.

6. Netizens' Comments Full of Praise

Netizens joined in on the excitement of this post with various comments. Some also expressed their hopes that the Minister Story gang would gather together often. "Come on, gang, let’s gather again." Wrote the account @zahra.wgn04

That’s a glimpse of the fun of the Minister Cheerful artist gang when they gather together. Stay tuned for more celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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