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The Explanation of Olla Ramlan about Herself Who Almost Fell and Fainted While Working

The Explanation of Olla Ramlan about Herself Who Almost Fell and Fainted While Working Olla Ramlan fell and almost fainted while working © Akrom Sukarya - Olla Ramlan finally speaks up about her current health condition. Moreover, the 43-year-old woman is known to have almost fallen and fainted while conducting activities in North Jakarta on Saturday (10/2).

Not only that, Olla's health condition has also been highlighted, as she recently uploaded a photo with the caption 'help' on social media. Of course, the public is curious about what actually happened to Olla Ramlan.

In relation to this matter, Olla finally speaks up. She informs that her condition is starting to improve, and she just needs complete rest to recover from her declining condition.

"I'm feeling better now, but I still need to rest tonight and tomorrow," said Olla Ramlan to the media on Saturday (10/2).

1. Improved Condition

Furthermore, Olla Ramlan does not deny that she was indeed sick and had to undergo treatment with Dr. Reza Gladys. After getting better, her condition deteriorated again due to the activities she participated in today.

"Basically, I have improved a lot from the drop condition last week, because there is one condition that needs to be handled with the help of a doctor," she said.

"Yes, for the past week I have been assisted by Dr. Reza Gladys, besides being a professional doctor, he is also a close friend of mine," she continued.

2. Fatigue

However, Olla emphasized that her condition of being unwell was not due to the illness she mentioned on social media some time ago. This time, her body condition dropped due to fatigue from activities.

"No, the illness she suffered last week has improved with the help of Dr. Reza," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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