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Ligea LIDA Accused of Using Witchcraft to Become a Champion Because of This

Ligea LIDA Accused of Using Witchcraft to Become a Champion Because of This Ligea LIDA - © Santoso - Before embarking on a career as a professional singer in the Indonesian music industry, there is an interesting story behind Ligea LIDA's journey. It is known that this 17-year-old girl has often participated in various singing competitions long before becoming a contestant on Liga Dangdut Indonesia 2021.

Limitations apparently did not hinder Ligea from showcasing her singing abilities. In fact, Ligea did not hesitate to wear the same clothes every time she participated in a competition.

Because of this, at one point, one of the parents of a competitor accused Ligea of using witchcraft to always come out as the champion. Ligea, who is talented, often won titles in several singing competitions she participated in.

"So, in the past, I used to participate in competitions, and because I came from a humble family, my clothes were always the same, but I kept winning," said Ligea to, Central Jakarta, on Friday (9/2).

"Finally, at one point, someone said 'why are your clothes always the same? Are you using witchcraft?' It was from the parent of another participant, and at that time, I just smiled," she continued.

1. The Unfathomable Struggle

In addition, Ligea also tells that her struggle to participate in competitions is not an easy task. Especially if a competition requires participants to pay a registration fee, her father even sold used items to be able to pay the registration fee so that she could join the competition.

Fortunately, once again Ligea always reaps good results in every singing competition she participates in, so her father's struggle is not in vain.

"I once participated in a competition in Palembang, so at that time, I had to pay every time I wanted to compete and if I won, I would receive a cash prize. Because my father had a hard time finding money, he finally sold scrap items to be able to pay the registration fee," she said.

"Finally, I won, thank God, and my family could eat from the prize money. I gave it all to my parents," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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