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The First Appearance of Nissa Sabyan, Showing a Happy Smile at Her Brother's Wedding

The First Appearance of Nissa Sabyan, Showing a Happy Smile at Her Brother's Wedding Nissa Sabyan (credit: - Since the news about her affair with Ayus Sabyan in mid-February, the appearance of Nissa Sabyan has been highly anticipated. Moreover, she was recently rumored to be pregnant.

The public's curiosity about Nissa Sabyan's whereabouts has finally been answered. A while ago, Nissa was found attending her brother's wedding.


1. Visiting Her Brother's Wedding

The first appearance of Nissa Sabyan has circulated on several gossip accounts. The Sabyan Gambus vocalist was seen attending her brother's wedding. She also showed a happy smile while taking a photo with the bride.

Nissa's appearance has sparked various comments. Many became distracted and more curious about Nissa Sabyan's stomach because she was previously rumored to be pregnant.



2. Family Closes the Door

Regarding the issue of Nissa Sabyan's pregnancy, the family chose to keep the gate closed rather than speak up to clarify the news.

Based on's observation on Monday (30/3) from morning until afternoon, Nissa's residence was tightly closed. The family chose not to leave the house and serve the media crew who had been waiting since morning in front of the house.



3. Still Not Speaking Up

Until now, Nissa Sabyan has not spoken up about her affair with Ayus Sabyan. They only appeared together in the latest music video by Sabyan Gambus, which was released some time ago.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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