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The Latest Condition of Ukkasya after Testing Positive for Covid-19, Fever Subsided - Already Cheerful and Playing Fun with Irwansyah

The Latest Condition of Ukkasya after Testing Positive for Covid-19, Fever Subsided - Already Cheerful and Playing Fun with Irwansyah Ukkasya and Irwansyah © instagram/ukkasyahki - It has been several days since Ukkasya Muhammad Syahki, the child of Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah, was declared positive for COVID-19. He is sick together with Irwansyah and has to undergo self-isolation together at home.

After experiencing high fever, Ukkasya's condition has now improved. He can play and be cheerful again. His fever has also subsided, bringing relief to Irwansyah.

1. Ukkasya, who had high fever and felt weak, is now starting to recover.

2. His fever has subsided since Friday (2/13), and the same goes for Irwansyah, whose condition is also good.

3. Ukkasya can now play. Together with Irwansyah, they play on the spacious rooftop of their house.

4. The improved condition of Ukkasya has relieved Irwansyah and Zaskia.

5. As long as they both test positive, Irwansyah is the one who takes care of Ukkasya all the time.

6. Ukkasya has been moving a lot, playing here and there with full energy.

7. Now they both just have to wait for the retest and be declared negative.

8. Even when alone with Irwansyah, Ukkasya has to be willing to be dressed up like this. Speedy recovery, you two!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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