Frans Faisal, the brother of Fuji, has announced his upcoming wedding plans. Haji Faisal, their father, revealed that both of his younger siblings, Fadly and Fuji, feel reluctant about Frans's marriage. Read the full story below!
Celebrity Activities
Frans Faisal, the brother of Fuji, has announced his upcoming wedding plans. Haji Faisal, their father, revealed that both of his younger siblings, Fadly and Fuji, feel reluctant about Frans's marriage. Read the full story below!
All preparations for Frans Faisal's wedding are well underway. "Praise be to God my son Frans wants to get married. I am very happy. Thank God and alhamdulillah," said H Faisal as reported by detikhot.
"The preparations are just what we are receiving. The arrangements are just finishing the proposal, then we will have the marriage ceremony, followed by the reception. What is being prepared is the completeness of the reception," he continued.
Frans's two younger siblings, Fuji and Fadly, certainly feel heavy and sad about their brother leaving to start a family. "Yes, it's like letting go of a child to start a family, which we used to guide ourselves; of course, it was all up to us. Now, what we communicate to him is certainly with the consideration that he will have a wife. Of course, we can no longer do whatever we want," said H Faisal.
It's already common that when someone wants to start a family, there are bound to be objections as well. The usual objections from this child are with us, and now we entrust that to his wife. Yes, if the younger siblings have a close relationship, they always joke around, support each other, and talk about one thing. The feeling that cannot be like it used to be is certainly what the younger siblings will feel," he explained.
Frans previously proposed to Indah Tri Pertiwi, who is also his manager, on December 8, 2024. The proposal was festive and full of emotion, with the extended family present to provide support
Haji Faisal hopes that this marriage will be a positive step for Frans and Indah, as well as strengthen their relationship in the future.
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