Fairuz A Rafiq and Sonny Septian have a unique approach to introducing religious values to their children. For this couple, instilling a love for Allah SWT is more important than fostering fear. Check out more details below!
Celebrity Children
Fairuz A Rafiq and Sonny Septian have a unique approach to introducing religious values to their children. For this couple, instilling a love for Allah SWT is more important than fostering fear. Check out more details below!
"For both of us, it's more about not being afraid of Allah, but rather just loving Allah. Because if we instill fear, they might think it's cruel, right?" said Sonny when met in the area of Jalan Kapten Tendean, Mampang, South Jakarta, Tuesday (4/3/2025).
According to Sonny, his children often ask critical questions related to religion. "They like to ask questions like, 'So is Allah SWT a girl or a boy?' or 'Why do we have to pray?' This means they want to know and are ready to engage in all of this," he continued.
Fairuz added that as parents, she and Sonny strive to be consistent in providing religious understanding to their children. This consistency is deemed important so that the children do not get confused in understanding religious teachings. "Actually, Sonny and I need to have the same path. Because as parents, we cannot be different," said Fairuz.
Fairuz also mentioned that they often provide explanations about Islamic teachings in a way that is easy for children to understand. This is done so that the children feel comfortable learning about religion.
Sonny explained that introducing religious values should be done gradually. He believes that this process will help children grow into religious individuals.
"That's why sometimes we teach them slowly, so they stay within their corridor. It's okay to push them a little at the beginning, because later they will feel comfortable on their own," he said.
Fairuz also mentioned the importance of communication between parents and children in introducing religion. With good communication, children can better understand the values of Islam.
The couple hopes their children will not only perform worship regularly but also understand the meaning behind each act of worship. They believe that a loving approach will have a positive impact on their children's spiritual development.
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