Nycta Gina Really Enjoys Working from Home, No Need to Think and Just Wear Pajamas
Nycta Gina shares a fun story when she can work from home only. - The charm of Marini Zumarnis seems timeless. At the age of over 40, Marini Zumarnis still looks stunning with a slim and fit body.
To maintain her appearance, it turns out that Marini Zumarnis has a fairly simple secret that can be done by anyone. Some time ago, Marini Zumarnis shared her secret through an Instagram post.
"Assalamualaikum.. I have been regularly walking in the morning for the past few months, sometimes doing a little run.. Come on, you guys should follow," Marini Zumarnis wrote in the caption of her post.
In addition to exercising, Marini Zumarnis also follows a diet to maintain her body shape and health. Don't be mistaken, Marini Zumarnis' diet is guaranteed not to be torturous but effective in losing weight.
"1. Drink a glass of warm water when waking up
2. Exercise for 1 hour (just a leisurely morning walk...)
3. For lunch, reduce carbohydrates and avoid sugar, eat fruits and vegetables. Must!!
4. If hungry, eat apples/pears/dragon fruit
5. Dinner as usual, without carbohydrates. Just have dishes and vegetables..
6. Take Hemaviton JoinCare Max 1x1 a day, to maintain your joints
7. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water
8. No snacking," said the owner of the full name Marini Kartika Sari Zumarnis.
Furthermore, Marini Zumarnis emphasizes the importance of consuming nutritious food and exercising in her diet process, especially in the midst of the uncertain situation caused by the pandemic. It is proven that by adopting such a lifestyle, Marini Zumarnis still looks stunning and is considered as body goals by many people.
"Apparently, wanting to lose weight doesn't mean we don't eat.... you will lack nutrition, especially in a pandemic situation like this.... we must eat.... but eat healthy and nutritious food.... Exercise is a must!! Don't be lazy," she concluded.
Maintaining body health by consuming nutritious food and regularly exercising is indeed important, but don't forget to always remember #Mother'sMessage in the midst of this pandemic.
By always washing hands with soap, wearing masks, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds, you can help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
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