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Truck Load of Goods That Arie Untung Will Use to Gaza: There is the Quran to Prepare for Martyrdom

Truck Load of Goods That Arie Untung Will Use to Gaza: There is the Quran to Prepare for Martyrdom Truck Load of Goods That Arie Untung Will Use to Gaza. (instagram/ariekuntung) - In an effort to help the people of Gaza, Arie Untung has just shared a special moment on his Instagram account. In a 41-second video post, he shows a truck carrying Ramadan aid that is ready to be dispatched to Gaza. This video immediately caught the attention of netizens, garnering thousands of views and hundreds of comments filled with prayers and support.

Wearing a vest labeled Volunteer, Arie Untung appears to be inside the truck carrying various types of aid. One notable aspect of this post is the presence of the Quran in the truck, seemingly symbolizing readiness to face any possibilities during the journey.

Moreover, in the caption of the post, Arie Untung also invites the public to participate in the aid shipment by clicking the link in his bio. "Unboxing the truck carrying Ramadan aid to Gaza, those who want to join in the aid delivery don't forget to click the link in the bio," he wrote.

1. Unboxing Video of the Aid Truck for Gaza

In Arie Untung's latest Instagram post, he is seen inside a truck ready to deliver aid to the people of Gaza. The video showcases the interior condition of the truck, which looks comfortable even though it is used for a humanitarian journey.

2. The Quran as a Symbol of the Journey

What catches attention in the video is the Quran that is clearly visible in the footage. This Quran is believed to be one of the important provisions during the journey. Many netizens interpret the presence of this holy book as a sign of the mental and spiritual readiness of the volunteers who are about to depart. They are aware of the risks of the journey, but still set out with the sincere intention to help their brothers and sisters in Gaza.

3. Arie Untung Invites Citizens to Donate

In his post caption, Arie Untung invites the public to participate in this aid shipment. He mentioned that anyone who wants to join can send assistance by clicking the link in his bio. This initiative has been well received by many of his followers who provide support in the form of prayers and positive comments.

4. Positive Response from Netizens: Support and Prayers

This video received an extraordinary response from netizens. Many netizens expressed their admiration for this initiative, and some also prayed for the safety of the volunteer team.

5. Ready to Face Challenges in the Journey

The journey to Gaza is not an easy one. The difficult terrain, uncertainty of conditions on the ground, and potential dangers lurking make this mission full of challenges. However, the volunteers setting off appear mentally and physically prepared to face any situation. In the video, Arie Untung shows his spirit with a smile and is ready to face anything.

That was the moment of the truck spill that Arie Untung will use to go to Gaza. Stay tuned for more celebrity news. If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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