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Raffi Ahmad's First Sahur Portrait, Complete Family Gathering - Andika Rosadi Steals Attention

Raffi Ahmad's First Sahur Portrait, Complete Family Gathering - Andika Rosadi Steals Attention Raffi Ahmad's First Sahur Portrait (Credit: Instagram/raffinagita1717) - Raffi Ahmad once again steals attention with his first sahur moment in this year's Ramadan. In an Instagram post, the warmth and closeness of his large family can be seen clearly.

This sahur feels special because all family members gathered together, including Nisya Ahmad and her ex-husband, Andika Rosadi, who was also present. Andika's presence became a highlight, showing that even though they have separated, their relationship remains well-maintained.

So, what does Raffi Ahmad's first sahur portrait look like? Check out the complete information below.

1. First Sahur Portrait of Raffi Ahmad

The first sahur in the month of Ramadan is always a special moment, including for the large family of Raffi Ahmad. In his latest Instagram post, Raffi shared moments of togetherness with his family while enjoying sahur together.

2. Complete Family Gathering

This sahur moment feels special because almost all members of Raffi Ahmad's family were present. Raffi's mother, Amy Qanita, along with his siblings, Syahnaz and Nisya Ahmad, were also there. Not only that, their spouses and children were also seen in the photo. Rieta Amilia, Nagita's mother, did not miss out either.

3. Eating Together

In the photo posted, the dining table is filled with various delicious dishes. All family members seem to enjoy the food while chatting casually. This meal together symbolizes family warmth, where all members can share stories and strengthen ties despite having their own busy schedules.

4. Warm Atmosphere

Even though sahur is done simply at home, the togetherness felt is very strong. Family members can be seen sitting closely together, wearing comfortable casual clothing.

"Sahur with family, a simple moment but full of meaning. Amidst the busyness, we gather, share with each other, and strengthen one another." caption on Instagram raffinagita1717.

5. Andika Rosadi Steals Attention

One of the things that caught attention during this sahur moment was the presence of Andika Rosadi, the ex-husband of Nisya Ahmad. His presence shows that even though they have separated, Andika's relationship with Raffi's family is still good. He even appeared close to other family members.

6. Staying Harmonious Even After Divorcing Nisya Ahmad

This moment also serves as proof that a good relationship can still exist despite a divorce. Nisya Ahmad and Andika Rosadi appear to maintain a good relationship for the sake of their children. The two still keep in touch, whether during holidays or other important moments.

So, those are a series of portraits from Raffi Ahmad's first Sahur. Let's start following news about other celebrity families, KLovers! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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