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Ahmad Dhani Critiques Agnez Mo's Ethics Towards Ari Bias

Ahmad Dhani Critiques Agnez Mo's Ethics Towards Ari Bias Agnez Mo & Ari Bias © Santoso - Ahmad Dhani once again speaks out regarding the controversy in the Indonesian music industry, especially concerning the relationship between singers and songwriters. This time, the senior musician highlights the less harmonious relationship between Agnez Mo and songwriter Ari Bias. According to Dhani, Agnez's actions towards Ari Bias reflect an attitude that is not good for the younger generation to emulate.

"When invited to meet, she refuses to meet, for example. The simplest example is that. Ari Bias asked to meet with Agnez Mo but was ignored, even in his podcast, Ari Bias said they were not friends. Poor you, Ari Bias, you’re not her friend, hang in there," Dhani expressed when met in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, on Friday (28/2/2025).

This statement refers to the conflict between Agnez and Ari Bias that had surfaced some time ago. Ari admitted to having difficulty getting a response from Agnez regarding the song they had previously worked on together. This even led to a legal notice that was not responded to by Agnez.

"Moreover, the legal notice was ignored, she didn’t show up in court, and instead, when she was convicted, she defended herself in Deddy Corbuzier's podcast. I didn’t even talk about the law at all, Bang Candra. Let the law speak, let the smarter ones handle it. I only talked about ethics and manners of singers towards songwriters," Dhani continued.

1. Ethics & Mutual Respect

As a songwriter, Dhani feels the need to emphasize the importance of mutual respect between singers and songwriters. He considers the treatment received by Ari Bias as something that should not happen in the music industry.

"As a songwriter, I cannot accept that songwriters are treated that way. So, the younger generation of Indonesian music must learn from this case. Singers and songwriters should be equal, no one should feel superior," asserted the frontman of the band Dewa 19.

Dhani also highlighted how ethics and manners should be the main guidelines for anyone in the music industry. For him, this is not an issue that can be regulated by law, but rather a cultural heritage that must be preserved by each generation.

"Ethics cannot be regulated by law; ethics can be established by previous generations. Why do we have ethics like that? Because it is taught by our parents that way," he said.

2. Harmonious Relationship of Musicians & Songwriters

He added that a harmonious relationship between singers and songwriters can help create a healthier and more conducive music industry. Good communication, according to Dhani, is the key to resolving conflicts.

"Therefore, this discussion will... networking can make the situation more directed, more conducive in the coming year, hopefully improving after Eid," he concluded.

Ahmad Dhani hopes that the polemic between Agnez Mo and Ari Bias can serve as a lesson for all players in the music industry. For him, cooperation based on mutual respect is the key to creating quality works.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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