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Looking Lovey-Dovey, 7 Photos of Umay Shahab with His Girlfriend

Looking Lovey-Dovey, 7 Photos of Umay Shahab with His Girlfriend Umay Shahab's Togetherness with His Girlfriend (Credit: Instagram/umayshahab) - Umay Shahab and his girlfriend are increasingly sharing moments of their warm togetherness. Their relationship, which has been established since 2021, is getting stronger, especially since both are pursuing careers in the film industry.

They often share moments spent enjoying quality time together, from going out, dining at restaurants, to attending concerts together. In various posts, this couple appears lovey-dovey with each other, successfully making netizens feel delighted.

So, what do the photos of Umay Shahab with his girlfriend look like, showing their lovey-dovey side? Check out the complete information below.

1. Portrait of Umay Shahab

Umay Shahab, who was once known as a child actor and singer, is now expanding his wings to become a director. Due to his lasting popularity, his personal life often becomes a spotlight, one of which is his romantic life with Inarah Syarafina.

2. Togetherness with Girlfriend

Umay and Inarah often share moments of their togetherness through Instagram. They appear to be in sync while engaging in various activities together. From traveling, enjoying culinary experiences, to working in the film industry, both show a strong chemistry as a couple.

3. Looks Like a Lovebird

In various posts, Umay and his girlfriend often show their romantic side. Moments like posing with funny expressions in the car to hugging in the middle of a concert successfully radiate an aura of happiness. It's not an exaggeration to say their romance is 'unmatched'.

4. Enjoying Concerts Together

One of their favorite activities is watching concerts together. This is evident from the numerous documentation of concerts on both of their Instagrams. In some photos, the couple appears to be enjoying the music concert atmosphere with great enthusiasm.

5. Dating Since 2021

Umay and his girlfriend's relationship began from a collaboration on the film project HARI INI KENAPA, NAIRA? From being coworkers, they grew closer and eventually entered into a special relationship. The chemistry they built in the professional world also carried over into their personal lives.

6. Both Directors

Another uniqueness of their relationship is their shared profession. Both are pursuing careers in the film industry, specifically as talented young directors. This shared vision and passion make them increasingly compatible with each other, both in work and personal life.

7. Their Interactions Make Netizens Swoon

From various moments shared, the interactions between Umay and his girlfriend have successfully made many netizens feel 'baper' (emotional). Their cheerful and laughter-filled togetherness proves that this relationship is built on mutual support and comfort. It has been about three years since Umay and Inarah have been in a romantic relationship.

So, here are a series of photos of Umay Shahab with his girlfriend who looks very much in love. Let's start following news about the dating styles of other celebrities, KLovers! If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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