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Dian Sastrowardoyo Gives Congratulations on Observing Fasting While Touching Up, Her Beauty Makes You Distracted

Dian Sastrowardoyo Gives Congratulations on Observing Fasting While Touching Up, Her Beauty Makes You Distracted Instagram/therealdisastr - Amid her busy schedule, Dian Sastrowardoyo apparently does not forget to greet her fans ahead of the month of Ramadan. This beautiful artist uploaded a simple and short congratulatory video on her social media account with a cheerful face. This year's Ramadan certainly feels special for her after she recently went on Umrah, so she is full of enthusiasm in welcoming a month full of fasting worship.

In a short video uploaded on her social media account on February 28, 2025, Dian appears cheerful while doing a makeup touch-up. With powder and lipstick applied to her face, she conveys her congratulations on observing fasting to her followers. Her positive energy seems contagious, creating a unique happiness.

1. Congratulations on Observing the Fasting Worship

In the post, she wrote the caption "Happy fasting everyone." This mother of two started the video by asking the people around her to be quiet because she wanted to speak to the camera. Then she realized that her activity was already being recorded. While applying powder, she lightly touched up her beautiful face while speaking to the camera.

"Hi guys, just wanted to say that, hey tomorrow we fast," she said with a cheerful expression.

"I want to wish you a happy fasting worship and of course, ask for forgiveness both physically and spiritually," she continued, still expressive.

2. Joyful Welcome to Ramadan 2025

On this occasion, Dian also expressed her apologies both physically and spiritually while wishing everyone a happy start to the month of Ramadan with their families.

"Happy gathering with family, for those who might want to, usually... the first taraweeh or maybe want to have the first sahur together with family," she expressed while applying lipstick on her lips.

"Happy preparing all the food and also the latest stories. Bye bye..." she concluded while making a heart shape on her cheek with a big smile.

3. Dian Sastrowardoyo and Umrah Worship

Not only ready to welcome a month of fasting, Dian Sastro also performed Umrah with her family beforehand. In this spiritual journey, she shared precious moments, including her appearance wearing a hijab. Dian's graceful and modest appearance has attracted the attention of many, adding to the Islamic charm that radiates from her.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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