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From El Rumi to Desy Ratnasari, Portraits of Cross-Generational Artists at the 25th Anniversary of Manoj Punjabi & Wife - Star-Studded Event

From El Rumi to Desy Ratnasari, Portraits of Cross-Generational Artists at the 25th Anniversary of Manoj Punjabi & Wife - Star-Studded Event

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From El Rumi to Desy Ratnasari, Portraits of Cross-Generational Artists at the 25th Anniversary of Manoj Punjabi & Wife - Star-Studded Event

Manoj Punjabi is known as a producer and owner of the film production house MD Entertainment. With a production house considered one of the largest in Indonesia, the life of this man of Indian descent has also attracted the attention of netizens. Recently, the spotlight turned to the 25th wedding anniversary moment of Manoj with Shania Punjabi. Famous stars from the homeland also attended this moment. What do the portraits look like?


A number of senior artists also reunited at this moment. They include Mona Ratuliu, Aura Kasih, Aming, Mieke Amalia, Tora Sudiro, Desy Ratnasari, Cut Keke, and Gunawan Sudrajat. 


Desy Ratnasari expressed her happiness to reconnect with her old friends during Manoj and Shania's anniversary moment.


One of the senior figures present was Christine Hakim, a legendary actress who is still active in the acting world to this day.


Besides Desy Ratnasari, Mona Ratuliu also posted a series of moments with the artists who attended the event. One of them was actor Ari Wibowo. 


Not to be missed, the couple currently popular among netizens was also present. Yes, they are Syifa Hadju and El Rumi. 


El's older brother, Al Ghazali, was also present with his fiancée, Alyssa Daguise. 


Manoj Punjabi married Shania Punjabi in the year 2000. Manoj is referred to as one of the key figures behind the success of the film KKN DI DESA PENARI, which became the highest-grossing Indonesian film of all time.

Revealing Unique Facts in Brandon Salim's Proposal, Turns Out He Wore the Same Outfit as Ferry Salim When He Proposed to His Wife

Revealing Unique Facts in Brandon Salim's Proposal, Turns Out He Wore the Same Outfit as Ferry Salim When He Proposed to His Wife

The moment of Brandon Salim's proposal became the center of attention, not only because of the happiness radiating from it but also due to the unique fact that was revealed. During the event, Brandon wore the same suit as his father, Ferry Salim, when he proposed to his wife decades ago.

Revealing Unique Facts in Brandon Salim's Proposal, Turns Out He Wore the Same Outfit as Ferry Salim When He Proposed to His Wife