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Nunung No Longer Has a Home in Jakarta, Chooses to Rent When There is Work

Nunung No Longer Has a Home in Jakarta, Chooses to Rent When There is Work Nunung - Documentation from KapanLagi - Comedian Nunung revealed that she has not had a residence in Jakarta since 2019. The house she owned was sold while she was undergoing rehabilitation due to a drug case.

"I really don’t have a place to stay in Jakarta because there’s not much work, I often go back to Solo," Nunung said in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday (26/2/2025).

After being released, Nunung spends more time living in Solo because her work in Jakarta is not that much. If there is a job offer in the capital, she chooses to rent temporarily.

"In Jakarta, it’s only when there’s a guest star. Rather than renting, it’s troublesome, later buying this and that, it’s better to rent. Renting isn’t every day, maybe just today, then go home," she said.

1. Round Trip Solo-Jakarta

In addition to work matters, Nunung also routinely undergoes health check-ups in Jakarta. She has to travel back and forth from Solo because all her doctors are in the capital.

"Because I have to have check-ups every month, all my doctors are in Jakarta, there are several doctors in Jakarta, psychiatrist, acid reflux, everything. So I have to go back and forth Jakarta-Solo," she explained.

2. Assets Have Been Sold for a Long Time

Nunung also denied the rumors that her assets were sold to cover medical expenses. According to her, the sale of the house and boarding house was done a long time ago.

"No, no. Many (things were sold), there’s a house, there’s a boarding house, a long time ago," she revealed.

She understands why this news has resurfaced. However, she emphasized that those assets were sold a long time ago.

"Yes, if selling assets that was (a long time ago). Now, if someone wants to sell assets, who? It was the one who sold those assets before," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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