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Unveiling Bedroom Life, Andhika Pratama Describes Ussy as Very Conventional - Wants to Realize Wild Imagination

Unveiling Bedroom Life, Andhika Pratama Describes Ussy as Very Conventional - Wants to Realize Wild Imagination Ussy Sulistiawaty and Andhika Pratama (credit: instagram @ussypratama) - Talking about the lives of celebrities who are already in a relationship, it's not far from bedroom matters. Many artists openly share their experiences about bedroom life, one of them being Andhika Pratama and his wife, Ussy Sulistiowaty.

The couple, who have a harmonious family, apparently also revealed their bedroom life through Ussy Andhika Official's Youtube channel, on Saturday (29/8).

1. Very Conventional

At that time, Andhika Pratama complained a little while joking with Ayu Dewi to be given knowledge about relationship issues in bed for couples. Even Andhika himself called Ussy very conventional.

"At least looking for a different sensation", said Andhika Pratama.

"When I come home from friends, like meeting Olla, what lesson did I get, what was I taught", said Ussy.

"But usually she just shares", added Andhika.

"She never puts it into practice", Ussy added.

"Very conventional", Andhika said while laughing.

2. Wanting Outer Imagination

At that time, Ayu Dewi explained a little to Andhika and Ussy. But Andhika at that time wanted to realize an outer imagination with Ussy.

"But sometimes there are many wild imaginations", Andhika said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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