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Upload Photos Together on IG, Sarwendah Reveals Sincere Message for Her Two Daughters

Upload Photos Together on IG, Sarwendah Reveals Sincere Message for Her Two Daughters Sarwendah, Thania, Thalia © instagram/sarwendah29 - On March 11, 2020, Sarwendah uploaded photos that show togetherness with her two daughters, Thalia and Thania. Through the posts about the photoshoot session, Sarwendah inserts her message and impression on her beloved daughters.

Thalia, the first daughter of Ruben Onsu and Sarwendah, is acknowledged by Sarwendah as her first love who taught her sincere love. On the other hand, Sarwendah can't wait for her youngest daughter to grow up and liven up the Onsu family atmosphere.

"She's my first love, the first one who taught me how to love sincerely without expecting anything and it will always be that way," Sarwendah's message to her first daughter.








1. Dress Worth Millions of Rupiah

In the photos, Sarwendah and her two daughters appear coordinated wearing brown-themed dresses. Not just any motif, the clothing used by the Onsu family women is from the famous brand Fendi.

The price of the brown viscose midi dress worn by Sarwendah is priced at US$ 1,190 (around Rp 17 million). Meanwhile, the dresses worn by Thania and Thalia are priced around Rp. 6.8 million.

2. Complete Family Photo

It feels incomplete if this photoshoot session only captures the women of the Onsu family. Sarwendah also expressed her hope to be able to take a photo with the complete formation in the comment section, which received a positive response from the photographer.

"When will we take a full photo of the Onsu family?" Sarwendah responded to the photographer's reaction in the comment section and received a reply, "Sure."

3. Thalia Putri Onsu

Thalia is Sarwendah's first love who taught her about true love.

4. Thania Putri Onsu

Despite being the youngest, Sarwendah revealed that Thania always successfully pranks her siblings.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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