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Used to Luxurious and Overseas Places, Here are 7 Photos of Sarita Abdulmukti's Vacation in Nature - Still Stylish

Used to Luxurious and Overseas Places, Here are 7 Photos of Sarita Abdulmukti's Vacation in Nature - Still Stylish Photos of Sarita Abdul Mukti during her vacation in the open nature (credit: instagram/queen_saritaabdulmukti) - Sarita Abdul Mukti has a lifestyle that is closely associated with luxury. Sarita Abdul Mukti's appearance, which is always luxurious and classy, is often in the spotlight.

When it comes to vacation, Sarita spends most of her vacation time abroad or in other luxurious places. However, unlike some time ago, Sarita is seen enjoying her vacation moments in the open nature.

Sarita's appearance during her vacation in nature is different from usual and also attracts attention. Curious about what Sarita Abdul Mukti's photos look like while on vacation in the open nature?

Let's take a look at some of her photos below.

1. Vacation to the Open Nature

Unlike her usual habit of vacationing abroad or in luxurious places, some time ago Sarita Abdul Mukti chose to vacation in the open nature. Sarita, along with some friends, went tracking and hiking. Although far from luxurious, Sarita seemed to enjoy her vacation.

2. Sporty Look

Vacationing in the open nature, Sarita looked different from usual. Sarita wore simpler and sportier clothes. Sarita was seen wearing a hijab set and a long black t-shirt along with outdoor pants. Sarita's sporty appearance still impressed with class and style.

3. Enjoy the Scenery and Atmosphere

Being in the middle of open nature, Sarita seemed to greatly enjoy the scenery and atmosphere. In one of the photos she uploaded, Sarita looked very happy experiencing peace and tranquility amidst nature.

4. Playing with Water

While tracking, Sarita and her friends took the time to play in the river. The clear and refreshing river flow added a calm and enjoyable impression to Sarita's vacation this time.

5. Full of Fun

Vacationing with her gang of friends, Sarita looked so happy. The four adult women also seemed to enjoy their moments together in the great outdoors. From various uploaded photos, it is clear that Sarita's vacation moments with her gang in the great outdoors are full of fun.

6. Stylish Appearance

Apparently, Sarita has been on vacation in the great outdoors more than once. Sarita also once vacationed in the outer Baduy village. At that time, Sarita appeared more stylish with a hijab and white shirt set, as well as outdoor pants. The sunglasses and hat she wore added to Sarita's stylish impression during that vacation.

7. Always Compact with Her Gang

Sarita never goes on a nature vacation alone. Several friends can be seen joining her on her vacation. For example, during a vacation to Baduy luar, Sarita was accompanied by two of her friends. Wearing sunglasses together, Sarita and her two friends looked very compact.

Those are some of the snapshots of Sarita Abdul Mukti's vacation in the great outdoors. How about it, KLovers? Looks like a lot of fun, right?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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