Kapanlagi.com - In the midst of his busy activities as the leader of Daarul Quran Islamic boarding school, preacher and entrepreneur, Ustaz Yusuf Mansur turns out to have a unique hobby. Yes, the 43-year-old man often takes time to garden in the yard of his house located in Cipondoh, Tangerang.
Various fruit trees, from durian to figs, can be found in his garden. There are also vegetables, from spinach to chili, which are grown hydroponically on the walls of the house and on top of it.
"Planting is enjoyable. It feels, Masha Allah, the tiredness disappears when seeing the plants start to bloom or bear fruit. We will experience the joy of harvesting. Such an experience is never had by those who have never planted," he said when met at his house in the Cipondoh area, Tangerang, not long ago.
1. No Longer Discarding Fruit Seeds
This father of five children admitted to starting to enjoy gardening since initiating a rice field donation program with his friends a few years ago. They collected funds to buy a piece of land and then distributed the harvest to the residents.
"Alhamdulillah, now in our house, every time we eat fruit, we no longer throw away the seeds, but we plant them. For example, we buy Japanese melons. Dozens of seeds are sown and planted," he said.
2. Want to Inspire Indonesia

© KapanLagi/Dadan Eka Permana
He admitted that the farming knowledge he acquired was also given to his students. He also hopes that many people will follow in his footsteps by utilizing their home yards to plant various types of fruit trees and vegetables.
"I want to inspire Indonesia, even walls can be used as planting media. I have already harvested kangkung, spinach, and various other vegetables. I also want to inspire Indonesia to not have roofs, but instead have concrete roofs, so that they have a yard as large as the house," he said.
3. 24-Hour Dhikr Troops
Yusuf Mansur admits that doing gardening in the yard of the house has many benefits. Besides being able to bring joy and keep the body fit, it can also provide food security. At the very least, it can be a solution when the prices of vegetables soar.
"Even if you don't have a yard, you can utilize the walls of the house as a place to grow vegetables. If necessary, plants can be hung like bird cages," he said while laughing.
"If we plant these, besides being able to donate oxygen, these plants can also be a 24-hour dhikr troops because they constantly make dhikr. InshaAllah, this dhikr troops will make us enter heaven," he said.
4. Utilize the Results

© KapanLagi/Dadan Eka Permana
Furthermore, Ustaz Yusuf Mansur believes that by utilizing the available land at home, it can be used to meet daily needs. Moreover, planting vegetables and fruits is not a difficult skill.
"At my house, there is also a pond with catfish and catfish, Alhamdulillah, I haven't bought any for several years," he said.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.