Bibi Ardiansyah Feeds Baby Gala Papaya, Netizens: Only 5 Months Old but Already Eating Solid Food?
Netizens question baby Gala Sky who is already eating solid food even though he is only 5 months old. - Since officially being released from jail, Vanessa Angel has become active again on her Instagram. Previously, her official account was managed by her husband, Bibi Ardiansyah.
And recently, Vanessa apparently wanted to cure her longing for her fans and followers on Instagram. She used the Ask me a question feature and answered questions from her fans.
In some questions, one of the netizens asked Vanessa Angel to upload a photo of her son, baby Gala Sky, crying. And the photo posted was a moment of baby Gala crying before parting with Vanessa Angel.
"Photo of baby Gala Sky crying," requested one of the netizens.
"This is 3 hours before I was separated from Gala yesterday," wrote Vanessa Angel in response to the netizen's request.
As known, Vanessa Angel was officially released from Pondok Bambu prison, East Jakarta on December 18, 2020. As known, Vanessa Angel was sentenced by the West Jakarta District Court to 3 months in prison and a fine of Rp 10 million or 1 month in prison as a substitute punishment for proven guilty of violating Article 62 of the Indonesian Law No. 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropic Drugs.
Vanessa officially became a prisoner at Pondok Bambu Prison, East Jakarta, since November 18, 2020.
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Netizens question baby Gala Sky who is already eating solid food even though he is only 5 months old.
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