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Vape Enthusiast, Vicky Nitinegoro Makes His Own Cheese-flavored Liquid

Vape Enthusiast, Vicky Nitinegoro Makes His Own Cheese-flavored Liquid Vicky Nitinegoro © Alfi Rosyadi - In recent years, electronic cigarettes or commonly known as vape have become more easily found in several cities in Indonesia. The characteristic of vape is that it produces a lot of smoke and has a distinct aroma with different flavors.

Vape enthusiasts in Indonesia are not only young people and office workers, but also many celebrities use vape, one of them is Vicky Nitinegoro.

"Actually, I have been vaping for a long time, in my opinion, vaping is nice because it has its own flavor," said Vicky Nitinegoro during the launching of Cheeze Masterpiece liquid in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on Thursday (8/4/2021).

1. Make Your Own Liquid

Because of his love for vape, Vicky Nitinegoro even made his own liquid called Cheeze Masterpiece. Actually, this Jakarta-born artist has long wanted to make his own liquid.

"I've wanted to make this several times but haven't had the chance until now because I finally met the right person. Why cheese? Because I love cheese, I want you to be a cheese lover to be able to enjoy this," he said.

2. Plan to Make Refreshing Liquid Drink

What's interesting, before deciding to make a cheese flavor, this artist who has a hobby of playing football plans to make a refreshing liquid drink.

"This cheese flavor was not our original plan, we were initially planning to make a drink like orange ice. Like drinking orange ice in the afternoon, but we have to get the taste very similar. Moreover, there is already fruit in it, so I want to avoid the fruit flavor," said this 37-year-old artist.

3. Likes the Liquid

With a different flavor, Vicky is confident that many people, especially vape enthusiasts, will like the Cheeze Masterpiece liquid.

"As for the taste, I like new things. Why do I like this cheese flavor? Because I just tried it for the first time, and I want to step out of my comfort zone where the taste is usually the same. As for the price, it's 180 thousand for 100ml," he said.

"So what I feel from this liquid is really from me. Before I started doing this, every time I went out of town, I always went to a vape shop and talked to the shopkeeper. Because from there, I know what sells, what the consumers' preferences are, you know, things like that," Vicky concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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