In order to entertain the viewers at home, some entertainment industry workers are willing to return to the shooting location and resume their work, as done by the crew and players of the soap opera Dari Jendela SMP.
As it is known, the risk of exposure to covid-19 is also greater for them because they have to meet many people during the shooting location. However, of course, they still adhere to the health protocols set by the government, such as wearing masks outside the frame and minimizing contact with others as much as possible.
Not only that, the crew and players of Dari Jendela SMP are also required to undergo SWAB tests at least every 2 weeks to ensure their well-being for the sake of everyone's comfort. Well, it so happened that the KapanLagi.com team managed to capture moments when the players of Dari Jendela SMP were undergoing SWAB tests at the shooting location. Check out the photos below..