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Vicky Shu Uploads Old Photo of Herself, Admits Missing Her Slim Body!

Vicky Shu Uploads Old Photo of Herself, Admits Missing Her Slim Body! Vicky Shu. Credit: via taken on 28/6/2020 at 11.48 - In February 2020, the beautiful singer Vicky Shu officially became a mother of two children. Now, the woman is currently in the breastfeeding period with her baby.

Through her Instagram account, Vicky Shu often shows sweet moments with her two children and her husband. However, recently she uploaded an old photo of herself when she was still active in the entertainment industry.

1. Vicky Shu's Post

On Wednesday (24/6) yesterday, Vicky Shu uploaded an old photo of herself appearing to be doing a photoshoot. In the three portraits, Vicky looks captivating in a mini dress with an interesting motif.

Striking a pose in front of the camera, Vicky appears with flawless makeup and a ponytail hairstyle showcasing her beautiful face.

2. Missing a Slim Body

In the caption, Vicky herself admitted that she is trying to lose weight and misses her slim body.

"Upload a photo to stay consistent and enjoy every day of exercise. Miss being slim. Slowly but surely. Stay motivated," she concluded.


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