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Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

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Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

Singer Jason Ranti has just released his latest single titled Hari Hari Musik. Interestingly, the singer who is familiarly known as Jeje released the song coinciding with the national music day which falls on March 9th.

In the launch event of the single, Jeje not only introduced his song but also held an open discussion at Warung Apresiasi (Wapres), South Jakarta, Saturday, March 9, 2024. Check out the complete pictures below.

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

The discussion was guided by Shindu Alpito, providing an opportunity for fans and music enthusiasts to directly hear the inspiration and stories behind his new song.

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

Dressed casually, Jeje chose comfortable yet stylish clothing. He wore a T-shirt with the Batman logo, paired with shorts, and black Converse shoes.


The singer of the song Variasi Pink admitted that he accidentally released the song Hari Hari Musik at the same time as the National Music Day. "No, that's not the title, Hari Hari Musik, there's also a music store called hari-hari musik," said Jason Ranti at Wapres Bulungan, South Jakarta, Saturday (9/3/2024).

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

Interestingly, when his team set a date for a discussion on March 9th, Jeje didn't realize that it was the National Music Day. "Then my management team said, 'Let's do it on the 9th,' and I asked, 'What's on the 9th?' 'It's National Music Day, I didn't even know there was a music day.' Well, maybe it's just a coincidence, the timing is right," he explained.


Jeje then recounted the beginning of the process of creating the song Hari Hari Musik. According to him, the inspiration for the song came when he visited the house of an ustadz in the Tangerang area.

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

A child of the ustadz uttered a sentence that then became the starting point for the creation of the song.

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

From the ustadz's child, he mentioned one sentence, 'I bring it home.' Yes, that's the inspiration of that little child, the ustadz's child," said Jason Ranti.

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

Jeje stated that there are currently no plans to include the song Hari Hari Musik in his fourth album, Sesudah Pergaulan Blues.

Wearing Shorts and Batman Logo T-Shirt, 10 Pictures of Jason Ranti during Discussion of New Single on National Music Day

As information, Jeje has released three albums during his career in the Indonesian music industry. These albums are "Sekilas Info", "Akibat Pergaulan Blues", and "Jalan Ninja". "We'll see later, not ruling out the possibility, one by one," he concluded.


Jason Ranti's song "Hari-Hari Musik" is now available on various digital music platforms.