Wulan Guritno has recently been rumored to have broken up with Sabda Ahessa. Instead of responding to it, Wulan was caught having fun at her nightclub in Surabaya. She was accompanied by her daughter, Shalom Razade. Check out the full story!
Celebrity Activities
Wulan Guritno has recently been rumored to have broken up with Sabda Ahessa. Instead of responding to it, Wulan was caught having fun at her nightclub in Surabaya. She was accompanied by her daughter, Shalom Razade. Check out the full story!
Wulan Guritno's relationship with Sabda Ahessa has recently been rumored to have ended. Despite that, they have often been seen as couple goals by netizens.
Instead of responding to the rumors, Wulan was caught having fun at her nightclub in Surabaya. Yes, she was partying at her nightclub branch in Surabaya.
Not alone, she was accompanied by Shalom Razade, her daughter. They were seen enjoying the music and interacting with the visitors.
Wulan was enjoying the atmosphere, while netizens were focused on the disappearance of Wulan and Sabda Ahessa's affectionate photos from Instagram.
During her time in Surabaya, Wulan was busy with various activities. She gathered with her friends to celebrate the opening of her nightclub.
Immediately, the comment section was filled with congratulations from netizens. Chicco Jerikho and Nazira C. Noor were among those who were happy with Wulan's business opening.
In the midst of her busy schedule opening a new business, Wulan still manages to look beautiful. She appears like a teenager in a casual outfit while at the hotel.
As known, Wulan not only pursues her profession as an actress but also as a businesswoman. She not only owns a nightclub but also has businesses in ice cream, coffee shop, wax and spa, and beauty.
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