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7 Women Who Were Once Rhoma Irama's Wives, One of Them Still Stays Despite Being Cheated On

7 Women Who Were Once Rhoma Irama's Wives, One of Them Still Stays Despite Being Cheated On Portrait of a woman who was once married to Rhoma Irama (Source: Instagram/riccarhoma/angellelga) - Recently, dangdut legend Rhoma Irama surprised the public by introducing his youngest daughter. The beautiful girl named Tamara Salshabilla Janeeta, who has a mixed Eastern face, is known to still be studying at a boarding school.

"This is my youngest daughter, her name is Tamara Salshabilla Janatea. She's still in boarding school, maybe her dream is to become an Islamic sociologist," said Rhoma Irama, as quoted from the TikTok account @inarajibnu03, on Sunday (28/4/2024).

This statement immediately caught attention. The public is curious about the mother of this beautiful girl, especially since it was revealed that Tamara has Pakistani blood.

It was also revealed that Rhoma Irama has been married to seven women, so it's understandable that the public wants to know who the mother of this newly introduced Tamara is.

Curious about the seventh wife of Rhoma Irama? Check out the following review, Friday (17/05/2024).

1. Titiek

Rhoma Irama has been in a marriage relationship with a woman named Titiek as his first wife. However, there is very little information about their marriage. What is known is that they were together for nine months without having any children.

2. Veronica Agustina

Veronica Agustina became known to the public during the divorce process of Rhoma Irama and Titiek. It is said that Rhoma Irama met Veronica at a music event in Lampung, where Veronica played the keyboard to support Rhoma Irama's performance with Soneta Group.

From their marriage, Rhoma Irama was blessed with three children, namely Debby, Vicky, and Romi. However, the marriage relationship between Rhoma Irama and Veronica did not last long and had to end in divorce.

3. Ricca Rachim

In 1979, Rhoma Irama first met Ricca Rachim when they acted together in a film. At that time, Ricca Rachim was still the legal wife of another man, and they divorced three years later.

Then, in 1985, Rhoma Irama and Ricca Rachim decided to get married. Rumors have it that one year after that marriage, Rhoma Irama divorced Veronica. Until now, Ricca Rachim remains the legal wife of the King of Dangdut.

4. Marwah Ali

Next, there is Marwah Ali who married Rhoma Irama afterwards. The public only found out about their marriage in 1991. Meanwhile, Ridho Rhoma, the child from their marriage, was born two years earlier, in 1989. There is a circulating rumor that their marriage was conducted secretly.

5. Ayu Soraya

News about the marriage between Ayu Soraya and Rhoma Irama still raises many questions as both of them are suspected of trying to hide the information.

There is a rumor stating that this couple got married in 2002, while another rumor mentions that the marriage took place in 1996.

In 2010, the public was shocked by a man named Noval who claimed to be the child of Rhoma Irama and Ayu Soraya. However, both of them denied the news.

6. Gita Andini Saputri

The news of Rhoma Irama's marriage to Gita Andini Saputri shocked the public when it was revealed in 2002, even though they had been married in secret since 1999.

Rhoma Irama was known to have married Gita Andini Saputri, who was 19 years old and studying at a college at that time.

7. Angel Lelga

The news of Rhoma Irama's marriage to Angel Lelga once caused a sensation in the public. The news was revealed when Rhoma Irama was known to be staying in the same apartment as Angel Lelga.

After the incident was revealed, Rhoma Irama admitted that he had secretly married Angel Lelga. However, not long after, the singer famous for the song "Begadang" decided to divorce Angel Lelga.

8. Some Questions from Netizens about Rhoma Irama

9. How Many Wives Does Rhoma Irama Have?

Rhoma Irama is known to have been married seven times. Some of them were conducted in secret.

10. How Many Songs Has Rhoma Irama Created?

In his career as a musician, songwriter, and film star, Rhoma Irama has produced around a thousand songs and appeared in more than twenty films.

11. What is Rhoma Irama Known For?

Rhoma Irama's fashion style is never complete without a scarf, which has become his trademark. Rhoma Irama asserts that the scarf is a symbol of his Islamic religious beliefs, as well as the identity of himself and his music group, Soneta.

12. How Much Does Rhoma Irama Get Paid for a Concert?

Although there has been no official announcement, based on information from several sources, Rhoma Irama's payment for a single concert can reach around Rp 100 million after deducting all expenses, excluding the fee received for Soneta Group.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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