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Ayu Ting Ting Praised as Angel of Heaven when Performing at the RI Kemenparekraf Event

Ayu Ting Ting Praised as Angel of Heaven when Performing at the RI Kemenparekraf Event - Ayu Ting Ting is now more associated with the image of a comedian or clown rather than a dangdut singer. This 31-year-old woman is indeed entertaining in the sitcom Lapor Pak, acting alongside Andhika Pratama, Wendy Cagur, and Kiky Saputri.

Not long ago, Ayu Ting Ting returned to perform as a stage singer. She sang in front of the audience at an event organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) of the RI on Sunday (10/9/2023). The singer's performance at that moment apparently garnered praise from netizens.

1. Angel of Heaven

It is not excessive when some netizens call Ayu Ting Ting as an angel from heaven in that moment. Regardless of the pros and cons of Ayu Ting Ting in the entertainment world of the homeland, her appearance always catches the attention of netizens.

"OMG, how beautiful the angel from heaven," wrote a netizen in the comment section of Ayu's post. "Queen of Depok is indeed beautiful, captivating, and cool. Stay healthy, my dear," added another netizen.

2. Elegant Appearance

Several other netizens also considered the appearance of Bilqis Khumairah Razak's mother that night to be graceful, elegant, and polite. There are also many who miss Ayu's appearance as a singer, even though she is now flooded with jobs as a comedian and presenter.

"Elegant, Ayu. I still want to see Ayu sing. Stay healthy," wrote a netizen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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