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Ayu Ting Ting's Rocky Love Journey, Accepting Arranged Marriage but Ended in Breakup

Ayu Ting Ting's Rocky Love Journey, Accepting Arranged Marriage but Ended in Breakup


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Ayu Ting Ting's Rocky Love Journey, Accepting Arranged Marriage but Ended in Breakup

Ayu Ting Ting's love journey turns out to be full of steep and winding tests. She was once married to Enji, but their marriage did not go smoothly and only lasted for a short time.

After being single for a long time, Ayu began to open her heart to a new relationship, but everything did not go smoothly either. This includes when she finally accepted an arranged marriage from her parents, which ended in a broken engagement.


Ayu Ting Ting married Enji in 2013. They openly dated and were always affectionate in public, but later got married privately. Unfortunately, Ayu's marriage with Enji ended only a few months after they got married. Their disputes were so heated that Ayu named their child after her grandfather's last name, not Enji's. Until now, Ayu has not allowed Enji to meet Bilqis, their child.


After various rumors about her love story, Ayu entered a relationship with Shaheer Sheikh. It started with being matched by netizens, and Shaheer and Ayu truly fell in love. However, unfortunately, the relationship did not go smoothly and only lasted briefly. According to Shaheer, they felt an irreconcilable incompatibility.


Ayu remained single for quite a while. After a few years, she opened up and got close to several men. One of them was Husein Alatas, a finalist of Indonesian Idol. In addition to Husein, Ayu was also rumored to be close to Raffi Ahmad, Tarra Budiman, and several other people. However, all of it was just rumors.


Ayu was once rumored to be close to Ivan Gunawan. The rumors of their relationship can be said to have ups and downs, but neither of them can be said to have ever been truly serious about each other. Until now, Ivan and Ayu are still friends and work together casually.


Ayu's closeness with Didi Riyadi a few years ago was once close. However, at that time their closeness was suspected as a setup or not serious. Nevertheless, Ayu and Didi did get to know each other's families. Unfortunately, their approach did not go smoothly and ended halfway.


Starting from working together, Ayu and Boy William were once rumored to be dating. Although repeatedly referred to as a setup, Ayu and Boy actually showed more closeness. However, they never officially dated. During the months they were close, they only approached each other without an official status. Their approach ended when Ayu then showed her real boyfriend who is not an artist.


Behind the rumors of Ayu's relationship with Boy, she was actually dating a man named Adit. Ayu introduced Adit after their relationship had been going on for some time. Ayu's relationship with Adit made everyone happy, as Ayu seemed to be loved. However, it turned out that the relationship ended halfway and Ayu was alone again.


After several failed relationships, Ayu Ting Ting finally accepted an arranged marriage from her parents. She accepted the arranged marriage with Muhammad Fardhana, who is a member of the Indonesian National Army. Their engagement took place secretly and without a dating period. Ayu immediately got engaged to Dhana after a brief introduction and then they had a long-distance relationship because her partner was stationed in Papua.


Unfortunately, Ayu and Dhana's happiness did not last long. Just a few months after their engagement, Ayu announced her breakup with Dhana. They ended their relationship because there were unresolved issues. Ayu admitted that she did not cry over her decision to end her relationship with Dhana. She faced her trials with strength and is now alone again.