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Before the Release, It Turns Out the Song Sinarengan is Sung Almost Every Day by Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita in Their Small Family

Before the Release, It Turns Out the Song Sinarengan is Sung Almost Every Day by Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita in Their Small Family


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Before the Release, It Turns Out the Song Sinarengan is Sung Almost Every Day by Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita in Their Small Family

The song Sinarengan, created by Denny Caknan, is often sung by him in his small family. He revealed this in the description of his upload on Denny Caknan's YouTube channel. Together with his wife Bella Bonita, this song has reached trending number 1 on YouTube as of this news being written.


Sinarengan is an abbreviation of Sinau Nari Ning Tengah udan (learning to dance in the rain). "We sing this song almost every day in our small family. It's a shame if only we know it," wrote Denny Caknan.


"So on this occasion, we want to share happiness through this song by singing together with a more serious concept," he continued in the caption of his post.


Until now, there have been 13 million viewers enjoying the work of this musician from Ngawi. From the lyrics written by Denny Caknan, there is a sense of gratitude and also hope for the future for his small family.


The lyrics tell about dreams coming true by having a small family full of love, along with a peaceful and comfortable home.


"Kedaden tenan (really happened), nduwe omah sing ra berisik (having a house that is not noisy), Kebak katresnan (full of love), Kebak kasih lan sayang (full of affection and care)," are the opening lyrics of the song.


In a relationship or in a household, there will certainly be trials that accompany the journey. However, these cannot be avoided and must be faced.


"Strengthen the path, the wind outside is really strong, as you grow up, don’t wait for the storm to pass, but learn to dance in the rain," is a line from another lyric.


What do you think, KLovers, about the lyrics of the song created by Denny Caknan Sinarengan? Have you listened to it yet?

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