Ayu Ting Ting revealed that Bilqis Khumairah Razak, her 11-year-old daughter, has a unique habit regarding pocket money at school. She mentioned that the payment system at Bilqis's school is modern, using a card similar to e-money. Read more about it below!
Bilqis at School Uses Electronic Money, Ayu Ting Ting Says Her Child Often Brings Lunch from Home
Celebrity Children
"As for the school pocket money, it's because the school now uses cards, so she doesn't use cash. It's like a flazz that gets topped up. So, how much is it usually? My mom is the one who tops it up," said Ayu in the Depok area recently.
According to Ayu, Bilqis often brings snacks from home rather than buying food at school. This makes her spending on snacks more controlled.
"On average, Iqis often brings snacks from home. Sometimes in the morning, if I have time, I prepare them. Then in the afternoon, her mother delivers them; her mother makes them. If not, someone at home cooks," she said.
However, Ayu admits that Bilqis still enjoys the moments of snacking with her friends occasionally. According to her, this is a normal thing for children of Bilqis's age. Â "Sometimes she and her friends go, 'let's snack together'. She's just a kid," Ayu revealed.
When comparing to her own childhood, Ayu said that the current situation is very different. Back then, having pocket money of Rp10 thousand already felt like a lot. Â "Oh, for me it was different back then. I felt that even just having 10 thousand for snacks already seemed like a lot," she said.
However, Ayu did not specify exactly how much Bilqis's pocket money is each week. She only emphasized that the money is filled as needed and used according to necessity.  "Sometimes yes, sometimes no. No, it doesn’t last a week. Maybe it’s gone already? Gone," Ayu concluded.
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