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Grand Final Night of 'The Next Didi Kempot', Who is the New Icon of Javanese Pop Music, the Successor of the Legend?

Grand Final Night of 'The Next Didi Kempot', Who is the New Icon of Javanese Pop Music, the Successor of the Legend? Grand Final The Next Didi Kempot / Credit: Personal Documentation - The talent search event for campur sari and pop jawa singing, The Next Didi Kempot, has reached its peak. The Grand Final round, named Episode Jagoan Manggung, is the moment for the 7 finalists to show their best vocal talent and skill in front of the Judges, consisting of Via Vallen, Inul Daratista, Denny Caknan, Danang, and Nur Bayan.

Something special will happen on the night of the Grand Final, which will be aired tonight, Wednesday (20/1), where Staso Prasetyo, the son of the Legend, along with his mother, Ibu Putri, will be present to witness the birth of the new icon who will continue the late Didi Kempot's dreams. In addition, Staso, who has inherited his late father's talent, will also perform on the Grand Final stage with Judika, Happy Asmara, and Iis Dahlia.

Meanwhile, the 7 finalists in The Next Didi Kempot event are Hendi (Pekalongan), Zita (Tegal), Alya (Boyolali), Mira (Nganjuk), Sulton (Surabaya), and Pawestri (Semarang).

1. The Winner Has the Opportunity to Own an Album

The seven grand finalists undoubtedly have singing skills above average. Some of them even managed to impress the judges in their previous performances and received standing ovation.

However, only one out of the 7 names above has the right to be crowned as the champion and have the opportunity to release a single album as their first step into the music industry.

The Grand Final of The Next Didi Kempot will be broadcasted live tonight (1/20) at 19.00 WIB on GTV. Who is your favorite? Don't miss it!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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