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Hurt by Her Mother, Lebby Wilayati Once Thought of Committing Suicide

Hurt by Her Mother, Lebby Wilayati Once Thought of Committing Suicide Lebby Wilayati (credit: - Lebby Wilayati revealed a surprising story recently. When hypnotized by Denny Darko some time ago, Lebby admitted that she had thought of committing suicide.

This niece of Dewi Perssik initially shared about her mother's figure who she admitted was quite strict. "My mom is strict, but she loves me," Lebby said as quoted from Dewi Perssik's Youtube channel, (14/6).




1. Often Beaten

Not only fierce, Lebby admitted that she is often beaten by her mother. According to Lebby, her mother did it because she was not very smart in school.

"My mother is fierce to me, I often get beaten. Maybe because I was naughty, I used to be stupid. I used to be bad at school. Maybe my mother is ashamed to have a child like me," she said.


2. Once Wanted to Commit Suicide

In addition to calling her mother fierce, Lebby also revealed a statement that had hurt her. It was when her mother said she regretted having a child like Lebby. Those words even made Rosa Meldianti's cousin think about committing suicide.

"I was hurt, I once wanted to commit suicide because I thought I was not wanted by my father, my mother," she said.


3. Watch the Video Here PERSSIK



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