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Not Delaying Pregnancy, Rizki DA and His Wife Hope to Have Twins

Not Delaying Pregnancy, Rizki DA and His Wife Hope to Have Twins RIzki DA and Nadya © Herdianto - One of the stars from Dangdut Academy, Rizki has become a hot topic among netizens after his recent wedding. Met in the Tendean area on Tuesday (21/7/2020), Rizki and his wife Nadya opened up about their marriage.

Rizki and Nadya also discussed their plans to have children. They both admitted that they are not delaying the arrival of their child in their marriage. However, Nadya is not undergoing a pregnancy program.

"We just got married, so we'll just go with the flow," said Nadia.


1. Leave the Decision to the Wife

Although not participating in the pregnancy program, Rizki revealed that his wife understands about health. Therefore, he leaves the pregnancy plan to his wife.

"And she also knows about health, so I just leave it to her," said Rizki.

2. Want to Have Twins

Rizki and Nadya revealed that they do not have a specific target regarding the number of children. They accept whatever God gives them. Not only that, they also hope to have twins like Rizki and Ridho.

"We're just grateful, we don't ask for a specific number," said Nadia.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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