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Pro and Cons, Here are 8 Moments of Lesti and Rizky Billar's Kisses that Caught Netizens' Attention - Deemed Less Wise

Pro and Cons, Here are 8 Moments of Lesti and Rizky Billar's Kisses that Caught Netizens' Attention - Deemed Less Wise


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Pro and Cons, Here are 8 Moments of Lesti and Rizky Billar's Kisses that Caught Netizens' Attention - Deemed Less Wise

Lesti became a hot topic of public conversation a few days ago, especially when she uploaded a moment of kissing with Rizky Billar. In the upload, Lesti and Billar looked very intimate as they enjoyed their vacation moment.

Apparently, the upload received various public reactions. Many praised their intimacy, while others regretted the sharing of such intimate moment. Some netizens also mentioned that Lesti and Billar were less wise.

Despite the minor debate, they completely ignored it. Let's take a look at the series of lip-kissing moments of Lesti and Billar here!


This is a moment that is quite regrettable for netizens. Although it reflects their intimacy, this portrait also makes some netizens criticize their morality and religion.


As captured on the lambe.gosssip account, there are netizens who claim that this couple is not wise in using social media.

Pro and Cons, Here are 8 Moments of Lesti and Rizky Billar's Kisses that Caught Netizens' Attention - Deemed Less Wise

"Lesti would be wiser if she uploads, knowing what should be uploaded and what shouldn't," said one netizen.

Pro and Cons, Here are 8 Moments of Lesti and Rizky Billar's Kisses that Caught Netizens' Attention - Deemed Less Wise

On the other hand, there are also many fans and fellow artists who commented, expressing their envy and happiness for this adorable couple.


This lip kiss moment is not only uploaded once, but several times. However, the uploads are mostly dominated by the happiness of netizens.

Pro and Cons, Here are 8 Moments of Lesti and Rizky Billar's Kisses that Caught Netizens' Attention - Deemed Less Wise

Although it has received both pros and cons, both of them have not responded to it at all until now.  

Pro and Cons, Here are 8 Moments of Lesti and Rizky Billar's Kisses that Caught Netizens' Attention - Deemed Less Wise

So, what do you think about Lesti's post which is very intimate kissing with Rizky Billar, KLovers?


Read more at here!

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Long Time No Hear, This is the News of Nora Salinas 'Aunt Blonde Hair Carita de Angel' - Married Three Times and Beautiful at the Age of 45

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