Danang Pradana is currently enjoying the happy moments of being a husband. Both he and his wife share a series of intimate moments on their Instagram.
After being married for approximately 8 months, here are some photos of them getting closer!
Celebrity Activities
Danang Pradana is currently enjoying the happy moments of being a husband. Both he and his wife share a series of intimate moments on their Instagram.
After being married for approximately 8 months, here are some photos of them getting closer!
Last December, this singer from Banyuwangi married a beautiful woman named Hemas Nura.
At that time, he gained attention for his numerous achievements and his profession as a doctor.
Having been married for approximately 8 months, Nura's figure now looks even more beautiful and glowing.
Apparently, there are quite interesting facts about this couple, especially during their engagement moment.
Danang admitted that he didn't have any specific plans before proposing to Nura.
"Creating the event by myself, dealing with the hassle alone, having meetings in Jakarta - Jogja, assisted in thinking by @irma_hidayatku @rahmagustina_ @jnonkaja (these three people were the first ones surprised by Danang's unplanned proposal)," he said.
Although not daring and just confident, fortunately, Danang's decision was warmly welcomed by Nura, and in the end, his wife also expressed her gratitude.
"One of the best decision ever in my life. Thank you, dear, for being my soulmate," Nura continued.
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