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Rizki DA Plans to Conduct DNA Test on His Newly Born Son, Netizens are Angry

Rizki DA Plans to Conduct DNA Test on His Newly Born Son, Netizens are Angry Rizki DA - Nadya Mustika (credit: Herdianto) - On April 13, 2021, Nadya Mustika Rahayu, the wife of singer Rizki DA, gave birth to their first child. The baby boy, named Baihaqqi Syaki Ramadhan, was born healthy and safe.

Unfortunately, behind the happy news of the child's birth, there are now reports circulating that Rizki will conduct a DNA test on his son. The issue has gone viral on several gossip accounts.

1. DNA Test Plan

In a news report, Rizki DA is said to be planning to conduct a DNA test on his newborn child. According to Youtube channel CumiCumi, (14/4), Rizki admitted that he will discuss the plan of the DNA test with his family.

Ridho DA's twin mentioned that he wants to undergo the test without any emotions and agreement from all parties involved.

2. Discussion with Family

"For the time being, Iky will also discuss it (with the family) with a clear head. Iky doesn't want to do it with emotions, tired of everything, doesn't want to," he said.

"What's important is that we both want it, we both like it, Insha Allah, bismillah. In the future, we will inform everyone about how it will be," added Rizki.

3. Netizens' Reactions

Rizki DA's plan certainly invites reactions from the public. Many netizens are angry and express their emotions. They believe that what Rizki is doing does not appreciate Nadya as a mother.

There are also many netizens who try to give encouragement and support to Nadya Mustika.

4. Rarely Accompany Nadya

The issue of Rizki's desire to conduct a DNA test on Nadya's unborn child has been circulating for a long time. During Nadya's pregnancy, Rizki was also rarely seen accompanying his wife to the doctor. It is known that he does not live in the same house as the woman he married on July 17, 2020.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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