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Still Often Lacking Confidence, Lesti Kejora Reveals Her Secret to Overcome Stage Fever

Still Often Lacking Confidence, Lesti Kejora Reveals Her Secret to Overcome Stage Fever Lesti Kejora (credit: - Even though her experience as a dangdut singer has been quite long, Lesti Kejora still feels stage fright. Lesti admitted that until now she still often feels lacking in confidence.

"There is definitely. One of them is if I don't remember the song, and then I don't do a dress rehearsal, usually there are moments where I don't feel confident. (Stage fright) is there, often even," she said as quoted from POLES (Kepoin Lesti).

1. Continuing to Learn

Of course, Lesti doesn't just stay silent when she feels stage fright. She tries to overcome her lack of confidence by continuing to learn.

"Usually I keep learning, I study the song and just believe in myself. Because this stage belongs to me when I sing, so I have to be able to do it," she said.

"No matter how, I shouldn't appear the same to others (when lacking in confidence). On stage, just be spontaneous, there will always be a way. Whatever it is," added Lesti Kejora.

2. Watch More Here

Now if KLovers are still curious and want to know more about Lesti Kejora, make sure not to miss POLES (Kepoin Lesti). Airs every Monday and Thursday at 17.00 WIB exclusively on


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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