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Zaskia Gotik Uploads a Photo with Her Mother, Her Mother's Appearance is Praised by Netizens

Zaskia Gotik Uploads a Photo with Her Mother, Her Mother's Appearance is Praised by Netizens Zaskia Gotik (credit: Santoso) - After officially marrying Sirajuddin Mahmud, now Zaskia Gotik is experiencing the beautiful moments of married life. Especially since the singer, who is familiarly called Neng Gotik, is also currently pregnant with their love child.

Not wanting to keep it to herself, Neng Gotik often shares a series of happy moments with Sirajuddin and their family on Instagram. The latest one is a photo with her mother.

The figure of Zaskia Gotik's mother, who is rarely seen, is finally revealed. Her simple appearance has garnered praise from netizens.

1. Appearance of Zaskia Gotik's Mother

On Wednesday (10/6), Zaskia Gotik uploaded a selfie photo with her mother. In the photo, Neng Gotik looks naturally beautiful without makeup.

Just like Neng Gotik, her mother also has a natural appearance without heavy makeup. Her style is considered simple. This is what received praise from many netizens.

Netizens think that Zaskia Gotik's mother doesn't appear excessive with luxury items even though her daughter is an artist.

2. Romantic Photo with Sirajuddin

Previously, Zaskia Gotik posted a romantic photo with Sirajuddin. Neng Gotik can be seen being affectionately kissed on the cheek by her husband.

Apparently, Zaskia uploaded the photo because she missed Sirajuddin. "Miss you, Udin," wrote this Sundanese singer while adding a kissing emoticon.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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