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Optimal Preparation to Welcome the Start of Ramadan Fasting NU 2025, When Exactly?

Optimal Preparation to Welcome the Start of Ramadan Fasting NU 2025, When Exactly? Illustration of a Mosque (credit: pixabay/hisalman) - The start of Ramadan fasting 1446 H/2025 M is expected to begin on Saturday, March 1, 2025. However, the official determination of this date is still awaiting the sidang isbat scheduled to take place on February 28, 2025. In this session, religious leaders will consider the results of rukyat (crescent sighting) and hisab (astronomical calculations) to determine when this holy month begins.

Muslims around the world are certainly looking forward to the arrival of this blessed month with great hope. Muhammadiyah, one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, has announced that they also set the start of Ramadan 1446 H on the same date. Meanwhile, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is still awaiting the results of rukyatul hilal before issuing an official decision.

Summarized by from various sources on Wednesday (26/2/2025), here is the complete information.

1. NU and the Method for Determining the Start of Ramadan

As we approach Ramadan 1446 H, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) will conduct a moon sighting observation using the rukyatul hilal bil fi'li method, which involves direct observation at 125 strategic locations across Indonesia. Referring to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the determination of the start of Ramadan heavily relies on the visibility of the moon; if the hilal is not visible, the month of Sya'ban will be completed to 30 days.

In 2025, the regions with the most observation points are East Java with 29 points, followed by West Sumatra (19 points), and West Java (11 points). The results of these observations will be brought to the isbat session to determine whether the hilal has met the criteria or not.

Based on astronomical calculations, the conjunction of Ramadan 1446 H is expected to occur on February 28, 2025, at 07:44 WIB. At that time, the height of the hilal throughout Indonesia is estimated to be in the range of 3° to 4.7°.

2. Gus Baha's Attitude: Following the Government, Respecting Differences

Gus Baha firmly stated that he will comply with the government's decision regarding the beginning of Ramadan, considering that obedience to state regulations is part of the obligation as an Indonesian citizen.

"If my neighbor asks me whether we will fast tomorrow or not, I will answer that I am waiting for the announcement from television. I follow the government's decision, because as an Indonesian citizen," said Gus Baha in a discussion quoted from YouTube Santri Gayeng.

He also added that differences in determining the beginning of Ramadan are common in Islam. As a scholar who studies astronomy, Gus Baha believes that both the methods of calculation (hisab) and observation (rukyat) have strong scientific foundations, so this difference of opinion should be seen as a blessing that does not need to be debated excessively.

3. Preparation for Welcoming Ramadan 2025

As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, Muslims around the world begin to prepare themselves to welcome it. In order for worship during the month of Ramadan to run smoothly and be full of blessings, there are several steps that can be taken to prepare oneself. Here are some ways that can be done:

  • Preparing Mental and Spiritual: Before Ramadan arrives, it is important to prepare mentally and spiritually. Many Muslims engage in self-reflection and pray to be able to perform fasting well.
  • Studying Religious Knowledge: Revisiting religious knowledge, especially about fasting and the procedures of worship during the month of Ramadan, is highly recommended. This will help deepen understanding and improve the quality of worship.
  • Creating a Worship Plan: Creating a daily worship schedule during the month of Ramadan can also be a good step. This can include times for prayer, reading the Qur'an, and praying.
  • Preparing Physical Needs: Make sure to maintain health by managing diet and exercising. Good physical health will support the smoothness of fasting worship.

4. The Initial Prayer of Ramadan Taught by the Prophet Muhammad

As Ramadan approaches, Muslims are encouraged to recite prayers for safety and ease in performing the fast. One of the prayers taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW is as follows:

ا��������� س���������� ��ر���ض�ا�� ��س������ ر���ض�ا�� ���� ��س�������� �������

Meaning: "O Allah, save me for the worship in the month of Ramadan, save the sighting of the Ramadan crescent for me, and save me from sin during the month of Ramadan."

In addition, there are several other prayers narrated by scholars that are recommended to be recited when welcoming Ramadan. These prayers aim for Muslims to experience the holy month filled with blessings and goodness.

5. FAQ

1. What is meant by the isbat meeting?

The isbat meeting is a meeting held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs to determine the beginning of the month in the Hijri calendar, including the start of Ramadan, based on the results of rukyat and hisab.

2. Why is there a possibility of differences in the start date of fasting?

Differences in the start date of fasting can occur due to astronomical conditions that affect the observation of the hilal. If the hilal is not visible, then the determination of the start of fasting may differ.

3. What is rukyat?

Rukyat is the observation of the hilal or the young crescent moon conducted to determine the beginning of the month in the Hijri calendar.

4. How to prepare oneself to welcome Ramadan?

Preparation can be done by preparing mentally and spiritually, studying religious knowledge, making worship plans, and maintaining physical health.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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